Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Too Soon?

Oh, look! What's that? My blog?! Good heavens, do I even remember what it looks like?! It has been SO long since the last time that I blogged, I don't know what happened! Well, I'm here now and that's all that matters (...right?)!! From now on I am planning to blog a lot more often because I now have.... [pause for dramatic effect] my very own LAPTOP!! Woot woot! It's a MacBook Pro and I got it for my birthday and I've really only been on it 3 times now because I don't have any reason to use it right now cuz it's SUMMER but I'm super psyched to have it and I can't wait to blog on it often!! My summer has been so super incredibly fantastic and I hope yours has to! I start school in a week and one day D': Even though that is super sad, I must remember that once school comes around, something else accompanies it......
OMIGOSH YOU GUYS I AM SO EXCITED I LOVE FALL SO MUCH!!! I don't know if y'all remember from last year, but I am a HARD CORE FALL LOVER!!! If you have a burning desire to read my post about this topic from last year you can click right here (I would suggest reading it because I don't think that I've ever written a post so true as this one). However, dearly beloveds, I must wait a while longer before I exercise the same tradition of last year because it is still August and apparently some people look down upon people who get excited for the best season ever "too early" *cough cough* mom *cough cough* Willard *cough cough* BUT you have my word that when September 1st rolls around I WILL be at the mall repeating last years scene hopefully with dear Willard at my side. Even though I must wait to carry out my yearly traditions of overexcitement, no one can delay me from putting up my FIRST DAY OF FALL COUNTDOWN WIDGET!!!--> I really hope it works this year because last year in malfunctioned slightly, but I will not give up on these dreams... THESE DREAMS FOR A BETTER LIIIIIIIFE. Ok I'm super hyped up now, I think I'm gonna go down to the creek now with Willard. Blog again soon, PINKY PROMISE!!! Love y'all!!

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