Saturday, September 22, 2012

Welcome Back, Autumn:)

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF FALL!!!!!!! Ok so a little while ago I posted my end-of-summer bucket list and promised that I would update y'all on which ones I completed:) soooooo... (drumroll please!) here it is!!
•outside barefoot dance party👍
•sleepover outside👎
•go to a creek👎
•color a GIANT poster👍
•give myself an awesome pedi👍
•make up a dance👍
•awesome costume planning with my friends👍
•bike to park and picnic👍
•start workouts👍
Ok so first was the outside barefoot dance party which DID happen, but it wasn't barefoot cuz it was at a barn that ha sharp stuff on the ground that woulda killed our feet. I didn't get to sleep outside because almost every single night after I set that goal we had freezing cold nights so my trampoline would have turned me in to a popsicle haha:) My friend's creek was dried up so that didn't work, but I did color this HUGE poster!! It has mermaids on it:) I painted my toes bubblegum pink and put little hearts on them (which I hardly ever have the patience for). Of COURSE I watched TMNT... duh. I made up a really short dance to Cher Lloyd's "Never Grow Up" and costume preparations have began hehe I'm not gonna tell you what we are going as tho, so you'll have to wait until October 31st for a pic!! I walked over to a local playground with some friends and we ate ice cream so I counted that as the picnic. Finally, I got the Nike Training Center app a while ago and started using it about 2-3 times a week:) this is the most amazing app ever and it was free!! If you can, go download it right now!! It's great:) well that's all for today, I'm gonna go light some scented candles and welcome autumn:) I hope y'all have a great fall!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Tea Post

Have you ever had tea? Not exactly something that most American high school girls indulge in, but I guess I'm not "normal" then. Right now it is raining outside (I love it when it rains!!) so I am sitting inside enjoying a piping hot cuppa and writing on the awesomest blog you've ever read:) Lately I've really been into green tea with honey cuz it's sweet and relaxing. Ok, I know that none of you guys wanna hear about my green tea obsession, so I'm gonna tell you about something I've picked up lately: meditative yoga. It's basically yoga in which you sit in the lotus position for about half of the time and try to relieve your body of stress. Now, by "meditative" I don't mean that I pray to the Buddah or anything (trust me, I am a strong Christian girl who is stuck in her ways and true to her Creator and Savior), I'm just relaxing and trying to focus on nothingness for about 10 minutes. This is, like, REALLY hard for all of you out there who have never tried it. Another favorite of mine lately is veggies from our garden. So, you're probably like "What's up with the tea, health foods, and yoga?". Or maybe you don't care. Anyway, lately I've really been trying to work some goals into my life, these being some of them. These things are all very healthy and good for you; I've only got one body, so I say I might as well go for it now! A final "health goal" of mine lately is journaling. Keeping a journal is great, it's like writing letters to the greatest friend you've ever had (a pro: you never have to worry about being confronted about what you write!). A certain friend of mine keeps a journal, too, but she writes hers in a code that only she knows so that no one else will ever be able to read it:) I used to have one of those Password Journals, but I later found out that it isn't sensitive to the voice that says the password. I think my brothers saw that as a challenge, like I was practically daring them to try to get into my journal. Long story short: I use a normal journal now, and have the electronic one hidden away so that it will not be found by anyone of the male species anytime in the near future. Ma tea is almost gone now, so I'm gonna sign off. Have a great day and try setting some "health goals" for yourself, I think you'll like the results;)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy September 1st/I LOVE B&BW!!!!

Long time no post, I know, I know. Trust me, though, I have been trying to update!! Sometimes I am writing a post and my computer will shut down and all of my progress will be lost which is what has happened multiple times now:( However, if you direct your attention to the right side of the screen --> you will see that I put a countdown widget on!! What could I possibly be counting down to that is so exciting I put it up on my blog?? THE FIRST DAY OF FALL, OF COURSE!! I don't know about y'all, but I LOVE fall!! The way it smells, the way it looks, the way it feels, all of the traditions I have for fall... it's great:) Now, there are two types of fall-lovers in this world: those who simply say "I love fall." and think that's enough on the subject, and those who go to Bath & Body Works on the first day that their fall scents are out and buy fall candles and Halloween hand sanitizer and then run around the mall screaming "I LOVE FALL OMIGOSH THIS IS SO GREAT I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL FALL!!!!!!". As you may have guessed by now, I am the first type of person. JAY KAY!!! The story of the mall is in fact a true one; you can ask my friends who had to drag me out of the mall when I entered the phase of "hysteric giggles and slight sobbing". Fall is great, y'all, but I also love summer (I love them equally but react to them in VERY different ways... maybe one day I'll tell you about my beginning-of-summer rituals). I wanna know how many of you also love fall, so I'm gonna put up a poll widget in the near-ish future that will be in the bottom corner most likely (if I can figure out how to put up another widget on my blog... the countdown got kinda sketchy at one point). Since I mentioned that I picked up some scents at Bath & Body Works a while ago, I'm gonna show you them via pictures (trust me, I will be buying plenty more fall-scented stuff before it all goes away; in fact, I already have my eye on the Cinnamon Pumpkin body wash!!).
FARMSTAND APPLE SCENTED CANDLE Omigosh I swear I think I am addicted to the smell of this candle. It smells exactly like you just bit into a fresh apple!! And I'm not talking "fresh" like what you get at the grocery, I mean when you go out to an orchard and pick the apple off the tree for yourself! Yum!!!!
PUMPKIN CARAMEL LATTE CANDLE If you have never smelled this candle, you need to go to you nearest Bath & Body Works right now and smell it. It's ok, I'll be waiting here. Go. (...) Welcome back!! So what did you think? The scent that you just smelled is the very definition of fall to me. Funny thing, though, I've never had a latte before in my life. I'm not allowed to have large amounts of caffeine like coffee because I become "way too easily excitable". In case you havn't realized yet, I'm always like that!! When I lived at my other house in a different state (it was the most beautiful house ever on a beautiful yard and with beautiful trees and it was beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!) this was what fall smelled like. It was almost like someone lit millions of these little candles in our neighborhood and just left them burning all fall. Also, I think maybe my grandparents have/had one of these candles cuz their house smells like this a lot. LOVE IT!!
"BOO!" HALLOWEEN-THEMED SCENTED ANTI-BACTERIAL HAND GEL Wow I didn't realize how long that name is... basically this is just marshmallow scented hand sanitzer with a ghost on it. Pretty awesome, right?! I got this because I have a little hand sanitizer thingy on my backpack and I like to switch out the scents every once in a while. I'm gonna keep my summer one on a little longer and then put this on. Honestly, this doesn't smell like marshmallows, it just smells like sugar had sanitizer, but it's the theme that counts, right? Yeah... not totally in love with this one, maybe I'll just keep in on for October and use a different fall scent for September and November.
Ok, so I think that you get the jist of how much I love the way fall smells (and how addicted I am to Bath & Body Works). I will keep y'all posted on anything else "fall-ish" I encounter. I wanna share one of my favorite times of the year with you!! Go drink a pumpkin caramel latte for me!!