Thursday, October 4, 2012

What's Up With THAT?!

This could possibly become one of my randomest posts ever, but they're all pretty random, right?? Ok, so this all started about 2 weeks ago when I was watching Pretty Little Liars and like Spencer or Emily or someone was eating toast. I was like "Hey! That looks good! Ugh but regular toast is so gross..." And then an idea popped into my head.
Yep, peanut butter:) Ever since then I have eaten SO MUCH peanut butter toast that sometimes I eat it twice a day now/: That's a LOT of peanut butter toast!! But it's so good!! And when I say peanut butter I don't mean the wimpy creamy stuff, I'm talkin 'bout the hard core EXTRA CRUNCHY!! Yummm... my mouth is watering even though I just had a piece like 20 minutes ago. See?! What's up with this?? It's kinda freaking me out!! I've never really liked toast that much before now! It's like a super weird, super yummy addiction! And I don't know what to do about it!! I'm so weird...
As a side note, my small group meets at Starbucks on Saturday mornings (totally fun btw:) and last week, my friend Willard (Willard is actually a girl fyi, Willard is what I call her cuz she is SO much like Willard in Footloose!! The new one, of course...) and I got the Pumpkin Spice latte. Hehe... you all know how much I love fall and anything associated with fall, so this was heaven for me! Y'all should DEF go out and get it, it brightened up my whole day:) That was also the same day as homecoming but those are two different stories;) I'll probably devote a post in the very near future to my bible study small group cuz I totally love it. I think everyone should be a part of a small group... Ok gotta go, homework is calling *ugh* Will post again soon:)

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