Saturday, August 25, 2012

F is for Friends Who Do Stuff Together!!

Technically, I'm a city girl because that's where I live. However, one of my BFFLs Willard lives on a farm. Going to her house is soooo awesome for me because a) it honestly feels like my second home we are so close and b) I get to live the farm life with her for a couple hours!!! I just got home from hanging out with Willard and another of my BFFLs Brown Eyed Girl. We helped do the chicken chores, cat chores, an clean the barn. When we were done we swung on her rope swing in their hayloft. Then we went outside and it started raining:) I LOVE when it rains!! Rain is soothing and relaxing for me. It's even one of my most used settings on my white noise machine that I use at night! We had chocolate chip pancakes and bacon and I realized... life is good. When you have those friends that are pretty much family and that you can share anything with, you've found good people in your life. It's even more of a blessing when your families are close, too, and you do almost everything together:) So I guess a way to sum up this post is that I think everyone should be fortunate enough to have best friends for life that you know are true, and it feels really great to have them!! That's all for today, go tell your BFFLs you love them (in a not weird way)!!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I'm So Sorry That I'm Pointing This Out to Y'all...

Today during cheer practice, someone passed out some Bath&Body Works hand sanitizer. It was candy apple scented, and it reminded me of fall:) Then I realized that it's almost fall. OMIGOSH!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL OF SUMMER?!?! So then I freaked out a little bit and realized that I need an end-of-summer bucket list. The first day of fall is September 22. That's not that far away!!! I decided that I would post it on my blog, because I wanna share this idea with everyone else. Here it goes!!

1. Have a dance party with my friends outside. Barefoot.
2. Sleepover outside!!
3. Go to a creek (possibly yours, Willard??)
4. Color a GIANT poster
5. Get a super cute pedicure to rock with flip-flops!
6. Watch TMNT (oh wait that's always on my list:)
7. Make up a dance
8. Start planning a Halloween costume (long story why I do that in the summer)
9. Bike to the local lake and have a picnic
10. Start a daily workout/running training

And there you have it, folks!! My end-of-summer (sniff, sniff) bucket list!! Now I'll just try to complete them all! I'll write a post on the first day of fall and let y'all know what I completed! I def suggest this to y'all cuz it helps you realize what you want to get done. Plus, if you are ever bored between now and the last day of summer, you'll have a list of awesome activities to choose from:) Happy rest of the summer!! EMBRACE IT!!! Love y'all!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

"You're turtles?" "Yeah, of the Teenage Mutant Ninja variety!!"

I would like to write this post as a tribute to one of the most important group of heros in my life...
sourceTHE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!!! (Turtles in a half-pipe... TURTLE POWER!!) If you have no idea who the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are, you better learn or I will never be able to be your friend. I don't know what it is about these turtle ninjas I am so in love with but they are the awesomest creatures that have ever been a part of this world. For those of you who know nothing about the TMNTs, here is your crash course: four mutant turtles named Leonardo (blue mask), Donatello (purple mask), Raphael (red mask), and Michelangelo (orange mask) are united by there adopted father/sensei Splinter who is a mutant rat trained in the ways of ninjusto. They live in a sewer, like skateboarding, and eat a lot of pizza. Oh yeah, and they are the awesomest cartoon characters EVER!!! So, I am aware of how random this post is, but I just wanted to share my love of these guys with you AND the fact that I just learned today that there is a TMNT TV series coming out this year AND a movie in 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y'all I am SO excited!!!!!! You might think that I am a total nerd for loving them (not that I care what you think of my obsession lol), but they really are the most kick-butt and awesome cartoons I have ever seen. If you love them too, please leave a comment letting me know. We can become best friends:) Thanks for reading!!
P.S. My lifelong dream is to own one of these backpacks. Only then will my life be complete:) TMNT FTW!!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The End is Near!! Oops Just Kidding...

Boo!! Did I scare you?!

Last night some friends and I were talking about what we are afraid of. Simple question, right? Well, not really. I was finally able to answer that the only thing that I'm afraid of is clowns, but while trying to discover this I realized something about myself: what most people consider "scary" I consider exciting or awesome. A couple examples: I love heights/extreme sports, Edgar Allan Poe is my favorite poet (I love his "Buried Alive" story), and horror movies/books are just as great as action movie to me. There are some coincidences though that blow my mind such as a hearse driver found dead while transporting a body (click the link). Kinda freaky. Plus, who would want to die while driving some other dead person to their final destination?! That's almost like getting a pea stuck in your nose and you stop passing air or drowning in syrup (hehe Willard;). I honestly don't think that I could be a hearse driver, though, because I would constantly be worrying that the zombie apocalypse would just suddenly occur while I was driving ole' Mrs. Smith to the cemetery and an old lady zombie would crawl to the front of the car and rip my face off. Yep, this is how my mind works:) What are you afraid of? Luv y'all and good luck on finding your zombie apocalypse hiding spot!! (mine is my closet!!)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hunger Games DVD Release!!!

That's right, today is the day that The Hunger Games comes out on DVD!!! I don't know about you guys, but I'm psyched! However, I will not be getting it today because I am to impatient to try to go find a store that hasn't run out of copies yet. I'll get it someday, though! Okay the thing about this movie is that I didn't like it as much as the book. The camera is REALLY shaky and they leave out a TON of stuff (ex. Katniss' loss of hearing, Peeta's amputation, the avoxes, Katniss' inner struggle with pretending to love Peeta, and probably most importantly... hunger. Nobody is ever hungry and they find food early--this is suppose to be the HUNGER games after all...). Also, I didn't cry during Rue's death scene. It's not like I'm a heartless person or anything, but I thing they butchered it and made it not that sad. Aside from all of that, though, I love the cast!
Jennifer Lawrence nailed her part (she might have a harder time with Catching Fire and Mockingjay but I guess we'll just have to wait and see) and I'm actually looking forward to House at the End of the Street because she stars in it (and it looks really good). Next is Josh Hutcherson.
Omigosh all of my friends and I have a MEGA crush on this child-actor-turned-hunk. He does a great job with the whole baker's son thing, and his love for Katniss is REALLY convincing! I loved him in Journey 2 and was SO excited when I found out he would be playing Peeta:)
So now that I've raved about my two favorites I should probably say I hate Liam Hemsworth (I prefer his older, hotter brother Chris). It's a good thing that he got cast as Gale, then because I also hate Gale. Not that I'm Team Peeta or anything cuz I'm not (that's a long story). Since he is just a supporting character, however, I'm going to say it isn't as bad as it could be, because it honestly isn't. I mean, imagine if he had been cast as Peeta *shudder* Alright I've ranted enough for now:) Luv y'all and go buy The Hunger Games!!!

Share a Lil' Love with the World:)

Hi World:)

Yesterday my friends were telling me about their Spanish class (they have the cool teacher, I have the teacher that stands at the front of the room and talks because that is just how my life works) and they had these weird yarn necklaces thingys on. After I stared at them for a while trying to figure them out, they explained them to me. Basically, they were suppose to rip off a piece of yarn and give it to random people followed by a compliment said in Spanish (sidenote: If the compliment is in Spanish, no one is going to understand it. They are probably just going to stare at you like you were snorting noodles up your nose and then get away from you as quickly as possible, leaving you standing there stupidly with a piece of yarn in your hand. Sounds like a sketchy "assignment", but I still wish I could trade in Spanish teachers.). Anyway, even though it was really weird it got me thinking about how this world NEEDS people to share the love. My genius idea? Start a blog. In retrospect it was probably the randomest idea I could have possibly come up with since it has more to do with me making people read what I have to say than complimenting them and "sharing the love". I don't even care if nobody ever reads a single word that I type, I'm doing this to contribute my thoughts to the world. I'm still not positive what the heck I'm going to post on here, but if you bear with me I'm sure things can only get better. *fingers crossed* Have a beautiful day and thanks for reading this:) Until next time!