Sunday, August 19, 2012

The End is Near!! Oops Just Kidding...

Boo!! Did I scare you?!

Last night some friends and I were talking about what we are afraid of. Simple question, right? Well, not really. I was finally able to answer that the only thing that I'm afraid of is clowns, but while trying to discover this I realized something about myself: what most people consider "scary" I consider exciting or awesome. A couple examples: I love heights/extreme sports, Edgar Allan Poe is my favorite poet (I love his "Buried Alive" story), and horror movies/books are just as great as action movie to me. There are some coincidences though that blow my mind such as a hearse driver found dead while transporting a body (click the link). Kinda freaky. Plus, who would want to die while driving some other dead person to their final destination?! That's almost like getting a pea stuck in your nose and you stop passing air or drowning in syrup (hehe Willard;). I honestly don't think that I could be a hearse driver, though, because I would constantly be worrying that the zombie apocalypse would just suddenly occur while I was driving ole' Mrs. Smith to the cemetery and an old lady zombie would crawl to the front of the car and rip my face off. Yep, this is how my mind works:) What are you afraid of? Luv y'all and good luck on finding your zombie apocalypse hiding spot!! (mine is my closet!!)

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