Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hunger Games DVD Release!!!

That's right, today is the day that The Hunger Games comes out on DVD!!! I don't know about you guys, but I'm psyched! However, I will not be getting it today because I am to impatient to try to go find a store that hasn't run out of copies yet. I'll get it someday, though! Okay the thing about this movie is that I didn't like it as much as the book. The camera is REALLY shaky and they leave out a TON of stuff (ex. Katniss' loss of hearing, Peeta's amputation, the avoxes, Katniss' inner struggle with pretending to love Peeta, and probably most importantly... hunger. Nobody is ever hungry and they find food early--this is suppose to be the HUNGER games after all...). Also, I didn't cry during Rue's death scene. It's not like I'm a heartless person or anything, but I thing they butchered it and made it not that sad. Aside from all of that, though, I love the cast!
Jennifer Lawrence nailed her part (she might have a harder time with Catching Fire and Mockingjay but I guess we'll just have to wait and see) and I'm actually looking forward to House at the End of the Street because she stars in it (and it looks really good). Next is Josh Hutcherson.
Omigosh all of my friends and I have a MEGA crush on this child-actor-turned-hunk. He does a great job with the whole baker's son thing, and his love for Katniss is REALLY convincing! I loved him in Journey 2 and was SO excited when I found out he would be playing Peeta:)
So now that I've raved about my two favorites I should probably say I hate Liam Hemsworth (I prefer his older, hotter brother Chris). It's a good thing that he got cast as Gale, then because I also hate Gale. Not that I'm Team Peeta or anything cuz I'm not (that's a long story). Since he is just a supporting character, however, I'm going to say it isn't as bad as it could be, because it honestly isn't. I mean, imagine if he had been cast as Peeta *shudder* Alright I've ranted enough for now:) Luv y'all and go buy The Hunger Games!!!

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